I turned forty in the time since my last post, and it has been cause for reflection. On the one hand, I've accomplished a lot of what I've set out to do, and really come into my own in my career. On the other hand, I hope that my healthy years aren't even half over and that the second forty or more are as rich and varied in experience and bring more peace, comfort, and contentment than the first. I'm still sorting out how to make that happen and the goals and milestones to set along the way, but I have realized that these aren't the kind of achievements that I have worked toward before, and while I will certainly keep working hard to stay at the top of my field, maybe goals and milestones aren't the only directives of my life. I want to be present for my kids and pursue interests outside of work too, and have healthy family relationships. This isn't a comment on my firm, which is great, so much as an observation of myself having placed less emphasis on those other things In recent years than I need to if I want to live my best life.
I don't feel like cataloging all the unfolding events tonight; maybe another time.